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Jody Shaw CH
Certified Consulting Hypnotist NGH



YOU CAN! Stop Smoking Lose Weight, Current and Past life Regresions, Alleviate Chronic Pain Eliminate Stress Increase Motivation and Set Goals Relieve Depression Overcome Fears and Phobias Enhance Sports Performance Improve memory & Concentration Reduce insomnia Manage Grief Overcome Alcoholism and Drug Use and many more!



4 Session and 5 Session Plans for different needs such as Weight Release, Smoking Cessation, Alcohol Release, Stress Relief, and many more. These Plan include the Goal Image Focus Technique (GIFT) and you will learn Self-Hypnosis. 



For most people, the absolute worst way to attempt to deal with a habit is through the use of willpower.  Like moods and emotions, willpower fluctuates.  It is neither consistent nor effective.  Most likely you have tried to accomplish so many things in your life through willpower.  Please let me tell you, YOU are not the failure!  WILLPOWER is the failure.  You can still accomplish all of your goals with hypnosis.


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